Haiti’s damaged, unproductive land is the result of steep terrain and more than a century of poverty-driven farming. It is a root cause of Haitian poverty. When people can’t feed themselves, they farm desperately, which damages the land making it grow less, which worsens poverty. It’s a vicious cycle we are determined to break. You can’t heal poverty without healing the land.

Haiti’s rugged terrain is not well suited for farming but in Northeast Haiti this is the only land people have to support themselves. Productive farming is possible but first, the ecological capacity of the land must be restored.

To protect and restore the soil we help farmers terrace their land and plant trees. We plant many kinds for economic and food benefits, as well as ecological ones. As a result farmers nurture and protect them. More than 95% of the thousands of trees we have planted are thriving today.


Land restoration is arduous but results come quickly